Please submit your guest posts by the guidelines outlined in the following paragraphs:
1) Articles ought to be associated with weddings, and wedding preparation.
2) The minimum length for articles is to be at least 500 words. There is no cap on how high it may go.
3) Make sure that you have Georgia selected as your font, and that the font size for the typical paragraph is 14.
4) In your article, you are required to add subheadings with the formats H2/H3/H4. If you are utilizing three levels of subheadings, the sizes for those levels will be as follows: 16 for H4, 18 for H3, and 20 for H2.
5) Include related photos. Make use of photographs that do not include any copyrights and have reuse rights. The websites Stocksnap, Shutterstock, Pexels, and Pixabay all provide free picture downloads. If you are unable to obtain any relevant image from these sources and are instead utilizing photographs that are protected by copyright, you must remember to credit the source of each image; otherwise, the article will not be accepted.
6) All of the photographs need to be at least 500 by 300 pixels in size, and you need to make sure that they are centered when you place them into your post.
7) You are required to provide a featured image in each article, and the type of photo you use for your featured image must be a landscape.
8) Articles should not have any instances of plagiarism (they will be checked for plagiarism), should not have been published anywhere else, should have good grammar, and should not contain any spelling errors. Before you send in your articles, you need to be sure that they have been proofread. Before submitting your work, make sure to check it over using Grammarly.
9) Articles will be rejected if they do not adhere to our general content subject, do not pass our plagiarism check, are riddled with misspellings, do not adhere to proper grammar, or contain inaccuracies in factual information.
10) If you want us to link to your website, you must submit a profile picture that is 200 pixels by 200 pixels and an author bio that is more than 100 words long, along with the link to your website.
11) After an item you’ve written has been published, make sure to share it across all of your social media platforms so that it may be read by as many people as possible.
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